Monday, July 17, 2006


this past week i joined with pastor moses, a pastor of the church i attend on the islands, and taught in the discipleship school. currently he is teaching on the resurrection of Jesus and I am teaching on the disciplines of the disciple... elliott it is great to see how God is using my year with you on the study on the discplines, now in Africa!! crazy how God orchestrates all things....The students in the discpleship course are wonderful! they are really committed to loving Jesus and i am so encouraged by them. Their names; Francis, Francis (yes, two Francis'), Jen, Brainard, Olive, William, Joy, and Ester.

when i arrived many of the people thought i came to teach mathematics (even though they have a mathematics teacher named joy). therefore i am planning on teaching a lesson every now and then because they are really persistant in wanting me to teach. I am also helping pastor moses who is the director of the secondary school (kind of like our superintendants) with administration tasks. he is trained in theology, so i think my two years of gradutate school in administration will be coming in handy for the pastor. we are going to have a small party for the teachers of the school to celebrate them and to hear from them how they feel things are going. The secondary school was recently started back in january of this year. The school was started with little community involvement and left the community with 'many bruises' as one of the other pastors and community members stated. overall, starting the school is a good thing because none of the buvuma islands have a secondary school and it is very costly to send students to the mainland for school. the big issue is that the community was not involved in the process and therefore has not taken ownership of the school. as i understand money came in, land was purchased and the school was built. proper documentation has yet to be filed to register this school and the board of directors (as i call it... people who will oversee the school) has yet to be determined. The goodnews is the school is holding to the standards of all other ugandan schools except in the area of science (they need a science building which will cost $42,000 ....lots of money) and that God is working all things out, slowly by slowly as pastor moses puts it.

living on the ywam base (youth with a mission) has been good. i really think i came at the right time. their is currently a transition in leadership. Shem and Catherine are the new leaders who I am coming to really love and appretiate. they replaced Olive and Okoro, the couple I know and love... a huge reason of why i am here in Uganda today. with any change in leadership there is a time of transition. this transition has not been smooth for the families. lots of misunderstandings, miscommunication, and hurt feelings all over. things are starting to turn around for the better.... i am believing God for unity and a sense of family to return to this team of people. and it is happening... the othernight we had a bonfire outback and roasted a chicken... (now for those of you who don't know I saw the chicken running around minutes before I was placing its leg on a stick to roast... i think this is making me sick.... ok, no more talk about real life eating on the islands!!!) Catherine is pregnant and will be leaving for the mainlands in two-weeks to serve the rest of her labor term (sounds like she is in jail!!) near a hospital. she will return in november. they have asked me to take over the accounting on this islands and to read to one of their daughters Kakai, which I will gladly do.

ok, let me post this blog before the typing is lost!!!


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