Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On the Road to Africa

Ok this picture has nothing to do with this entry but since I am not on my own computer and I found this picture I have to add it because it is so funny! I hope you’re not offended. Ethan your busted!!

So what do I have, 4 days...(we,th,fri,sat,sun,mon)...ok 4-5 days until departure. as i sit here i can take a deep breath because i am almost there. all the finer details are getting taken care of and i can breathe again. its kind of like my marathon training, there was this building up period to reach a peak run of 20 miles and then it was this downward spiral of mileage until race day when it was 26.2 miles....wait a minute i was thinking this metaphor was a good one but maybe not.... no actually it is for me, because my race day I coasted along, it was so enjoyable, I saw great friends and family along the way, I met new friends and my body felt great...and most importantly Jesus was with me for sure. So it wasn't this treacherous experience you think a marathon would be....feehw.... I can use this metaphor because Africa may be very similar. Although I do remember my heart rate being way too high the first 13 miles of the course and if any of you know me it may be like that in Africa... until I start to live Africa style, slow down and just be. Hmmm, treating this blogging thing like a journal (thanks elliott and jerry!) is great, as I write my own process is being revealed... except the world gets to see how my thought process jumps around... hopefully each of you will be able to track with my thoughts.... remember I am not a writer ;) ok back to the marathon metaphor... i was thinking how i felt when I had finished the race...then when i found out I did not receive an official time because they closed the course early due to heat... I felt like I was robbed. It makes me think of the thief in the night, you don't know at what hour or time, he just comes so you better be prepared. I still get this heavy feeling inside of me when I drive in madison and pass part of the course because I know I could have ran harder and I know I didn't give it my all. When I processed this with God it made me sad, because I never want that to happen with my walk with Him. Therefore my marathon will always be a remembrance to do everything to the best of my ability, so I live with no regrets and the enemy has no place to steal anything from me. I would rather learn this lesson on a marathon course than anywhere else.
Yesterday I had a fortune cookie and it said "all the preparation you've done will finally be paying off!" That is good news and I will run the race well and to the best of my ability!


Blogger Viva Chapa said...

Yes! You finally blogged!!!! Welcome to the world of the online journal Amanda (Mandy just doesn't sound right coming out of my mouth). I am sad to see you go and I'm very excited to see you go, this year has been a long time coming from all the conversations I've had with you and your heart for Africa. Brie and I will be staying connected with you and keeping you in our prayers as you get ready to go and during your year in Africa. I can't wait to read more blog entries. And thanks for sharing your new life perspective based on the marathon "Run the Race Strong". CHAPA

12:10 PM  

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